Privacy Policy
Protect You
PM ARGO SOFTWARE LTD (“alma”) is committed to protecting the privacy of information and data that may be used to identify you, your personal information. The intention of this privacy policy (the “Privacy Policy”) is to disclose our information-gathering practices and describe how we use your personal information. The effective date of this Privacy Policy is October 01, 2023.
Information We Collect
We collect personal information from you if you use our website, fill out forms on our website or on paper at events, or use any of our web-based products or services. The types of personal information we collect include.

Payment information processed by our payment processor (alma does not retain your full credit card information).

Personalization information including, but not limited to, an uploaded profile data.

Identifiers: A real name, postal address, email address, unique personal identifier, online identification, email address, account name, passport number, or other similar identifiers.

Commercial Information: Records of personal property, products or services purchases, obtained, or considered, or other purchasing or consuming histories or tendencies.

Usage: Information on the users interaction the solution.

Geolocation data: Physical location.
How We Use Your Personal
The personal information that we collect is used to perform our contractual obligations and for our other legitimate interests. In some cases, we may ask you for your consent to use your personal information, but any consent will be presented to you separately from this Privacy Policy. We may use your personal information for purposes including, but not limited to, the following:

To deliver services, products, or transactions that you have requested.

To improve our website, including upgrading security measures.

To send you promotional materials or communications regarding our content and services that we feel may be of interest to you.

To evaluate the products and services that we offer and develop new or improved products or services and to better understand alma’s business environment.

For educational purposes, such as polls conducted in webinars.

To conduct general research on topics of interests to alma and its customers.
How We Share Your Personal Information
We may share your information for any of these purposes with the following individuals and entities:

Companies engaged by alma to provide certain services to you, including, but not limited to, payment processing management and property management. alma maintains contracts with our vendors requiring them to only use your personal information as necessary to provide their services and requiring them to comply with the requirements of this Privacy Policy and applicable laws.

Services used by alma to aid our ability to provide the best possible experience to you.

alma may need to share your information for law enforcement or other legal purposes. This type of sharing may be necessary in connection with a lawsuit, claim or investigation, governmental inquiry, court order, enforcement of legal rights (e.g., contract terms, intellectual property rights, etc.), safety issue, or other similar legal or security matter. Sharing your information for these reasons is not a regular event, but could arise from time to time. We will strive to limit the types and amount of information we may need to share for legal purposes to that which is reasonably necessary.

We may share (or receive) information about you, including personal contact information, in the event of an acquisition, merger, sale, corporate restructuring, bankruptcy, or other similar event that involves alma. If such an event occurs, alma will take reasonable steps to require that your information be handled in accordance with this Privacy Policy.